Ha Sung woon finished his two week solo career by winning the top prize at the Show Champion.

Ha Sung woon said on his official SNS on 13, “I was able to topped the rank because you guys game me splendid supports, Thank you so much and we'll always be together, also, thank you so much for giving me the first prize. Today's prize is yours guys. Thank you so much.” And he posted his 4 selfies. 

Ha Sung woon started his solo career on February 28 with the release of his mini-album My Moment, won the No. 1 trophy in the MBC Music Show Champion with his title song "BIRD." And despite the short two weeks of activities, he wrote the myth of the first solo fan meeting at the SK Handball Stadium in Olympic Park on March 8 and 9, and finished his solo activities by analyzing big data such as music source, record, broadcasting, and SNS and ranking second in the fourth week of February.

Having completed his successful solo career, Ha Sung woon is scheduled to meet fans at overseas fan meetings in six Asian cities: Tokyo, Osaka, Taipei, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Macao.

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