An official poster of Mnet's "Produce X 101," which contains the faces of all 101 trainees, was unveiled for the first time.

The poster for "Produce X 101," released on April 18, captures the attention of fans as it contains photos of all 101 trainees who will be challenging the global boy group's debut. In addition, behind the pyramid-shaped logo is a large X-shaped painting that was not seen in the previous season, reminding people of the "X" in the program's title and provoking questions about its meaning.

The production team said, "We were surprised because we showed a lot of interest and support for trainees. We've upgraded many parts of the program to meet the expectations of national producers, and we'll allow trainees to show their skills and charm to the fullest, It's going to be the hottest season of all time."

Mnet's "Produce X 101," a project to nurture global boy bands, aired the first episode at 11 p.m. on May 3.

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